All Formula1 teams declared ‘Reliability > Speed’ in unison when asked about the objective and focus of the first test of the 2014 Formula1 Season that was held in Jerez last week. While fans appreciated the logic, I am sure not many expected the cars to lap slower than GP2!
Time and again the sport has failed to impress me on certain decisions taken from a marketing point of view and this would probably be on the top of my list; joint first with the decision to award ‘double points’ for the final race this season. Yes, I am ‘Fed Up Of The Rule Changes In Formula1‘.

But before I go on to the latest episode of the Inside Line F1 Podcast, a BIG thank you to all for making the ‘2014 Inside Line F1 Podcast Awards‘ a hit! I believe the applaud we heard was louder than the Renault V6 engines!
Here’s what’s in store in our latest Formula1 Podcast:
- Come back, Michael! Rishi plays himself (i.e. a Doctor!)
- Are the 2014 technical regulations the toughest yet for the engineers?
- We rate the prettiest and the ugliest cars. What’s your pick?
- A man’s sport, is that the most used joke in Formula1 already?
- Marketing > Technical (I can almost start a petition!!) (Read: Formula1 Needs Better Marketing As It Enters Newer Territories)
- Lotus F1 team, stupid or smart?
- Would you dare write off the overheating Red Bull Racing RB10 already? We offer a solution!
- Adi-oss Brawn, will he or won’t he come back? And is Formula1 facing a talent crunch?
- GP2 faster than Formula1, will this be the headline of the season? We hope not!
- Vettel may not race till 2031!
Given the uncertainty in rules, regulations and finances, here’s YOUR chance to own a Formula1 team.
Move over the nose designs and engine sounds, it is the lap times that I will have my eyes on in the second test, which should be upon us in the next few weeks!
The Inside Line F1 Podcast is now available on various platforms and I would urge you to choose your platform to listen to the humour that we add to the otherwise serious and complex sport of Formula1. And while our podcast frequency is weekly, come ‘like‘ the Inside Line F1 Podcast page on Facebook for far frequent updates on the humour in the world of Formula1.
If you are an Apple user, you can subscribe to the Inside Line F1 Podcast on the iTunes Podcast Store or via our RSS feed (for Android/Windows/Blackberry users).
The Inside Line Formula1 Podcast is produced and hosted by Rishi Kapoor and Kunal Shah. Follow us on Twitter and on our Soundcloud, Spreaker, MixCloud and YouTube channels.
1 comments On Inside Line F1 Podcast: F1 Cars, GP2 Lap Times
Brace yourselves for the possible Qualifying changes “to make it more interesting”.. sigh!